…in one God
throughout eternity three persons - Father, Son and Holy Spirit; Creator of heaven and earth, of all things visible and invisible; revealed in Jesus Christ, uniquely God's Son, according to the Scriptures.
… that the Scriptures
are the word of God; they derive their inspiration and authority from God alone; they are infallible and provide the only basis for life and faith in the church.
… that to be truly human is to love God and be loved by Him
and that we are called to a change of life and to be converted in order to restore a relationship with God that is true and just.
… in Jesus Christ
the unique Son of God, God made known to us in human form, born of a virgin. He offered his perfect life as a sacrifice, once for all, on the cross, by which means we have pardon for our sins, reconciliation with God and eternal life. We believe in his resurrection from the dead, his bodily ascension into the Father's presence, his supreme authority, and his intercessions with the Father on our behalf. He will return but no-one knows the day or hour when he will come again.
… that every human being can be forgiven
of his sins and can be justified before God, and that, solely by God's grace, we receive this from Jesus Christ by faith alone.
… in baptism
ordained by Jesus Christ - signifying, by immersion, our death and resurrection and is a testimony of faith, making a free commitment to Jesus Christ and his commands
… that the baptism in the Holy Spirit
is a promise for Christians through all centries; that spiritual gifts, as described in the Scriptures, are given by the Holy Spirit to the church to help and build our holy commitment.
… that the church is the assembly of all who believe
who keep the faith of Jesus Christ, the witness and the teaching of the apostles, with prayer at its centre. The local church is the visible expression of the universal church, which is the body of Christ. As it gathers around the Holy Scriptures, it builds and brings into reality a unity of faith, its life of holiness and its calling to reach the whole world.